I really like using these foam rollers they work especially well painting Bondaweb as long as you don't press too hard.
Anyway, I thought that I would share a few last images of the roller ... 

...and along came the bus!...
Explanation - I wanted to send a special thank you to a friend who is mad about books. She also likes altered books but can't bring herself to deface a book. Thou shalt not draw on a book! I seem to recall from the past....Anyway I decided to start her off, gently of course , on a kids board book bought from a charity shop.
So here, by way of an altered board book, is her thank you...
Starting with all the pages being sanded back then a light layer of gesso painted on.
( I know that this might sound all a bit too obvious but I think it's good to record the techniques used ) .
A few punched shapes from pre-painted papers glued down with some diluted PVA glue.
Some more shapes with a little metallic rub-ons, like treasure gold.
Yummy tissue paper, I love the kind you get from Paperchase. This, of course, is one of them.
This one is not but I liked the idea of the text, not that you can see it after all the scrunching up!
Then the reason for the whole thing...the thank you!

...That's all folks!...
Other than to say that I've given my friend instructions that it is her book now to do with as she pleases, alter it in any way including covering up all or some of what I've done, including the "Thank you".
From her response I think she was pleased.
OK, that's it for now,