Yes that's right folks, me who never needs an excuse to make a bunch of hearts!!! Good old Valentines Day...

Don't you just hate when this happens whilst free machining. I do !! The only remedy for it is to snip the couched yarn. At least with free machining it's easy enough to anchor it back down without it really being noticed. Not so bad when it happens at the edge of the fabric like this one, it probably missed the heart shape and ended up on the waste pile!

I like the combination of the sheer fabrics with the fancy yarns that you can get nowadays.
I particularly like the colour combination on these ones. Must remember it and try it again sometime.

I've been starting to add little amounts of different types of fabric in these not sure if you can see the little piece of blue diamond patterned fabric peeping out on the one above.

Some of these fabrics really fray quite a lot. I like this type of edge so that's ok.

That was definitely not taken on a yellow background and I think these hearts were in the pinky red range rather than the orangy red. Of course that might just be the inspiration for the next piece of fabric I make...
Anyway, these are some of the hearts cut out from the "made" fabric. Don't know if you can see it but I tried machining little hearts as I went along. Of course it ended up being an after thought so there wasn't a lot of room left for them otherwise they might have been covered in them!

This batch of hearts have had a little zigzag added to their edges. I liked the touch of green on these ones.I have made about three different batches so far. I only get about eight at the most out of the pieces of fabric. I think that I prefer to work on smaller pieces of fabric, it keeps them more interesting.

Fiddling about with buttons (I love buttons :o)) The one at bottom right was just a bit on the big size but I was just throwing my bundle of red buttons around to see what went where, if at all!

I decided to do some black and white cards as I know these colours are very popular at the moment. I added a pearly button althugh I think that they were more like a shell button rather than mother of pearl. They were a bit old and tired bit I thought they went ok.

I thought that they could be used as wedding cards as well. If they sell well I can see me trying a whole load of them all in different colourways.
Here I go again, any excuse for making a bunch of hearts
Happy Valentines Day when it comes... :o)