This was my name badge which evolved over the weekend. I had great fun adding a piece before each break. 
Just had to make a button!!
I've had this piece of slate for almost 30 years! See... they do come in handy after all!!
Found that I could mess around with the pictures... mmm... interesting.
Blurred , sorry. +of+DSCN2086.JPG)
Think the coloured image definitely has a stitched feel to it. I knew that you could do lots of fancy things to your pictures on the computer but had no idea what to do. Maybe another "watch this space" is required!... 
Thought this looked like a candle which rather put me off!
Thoroughly enjoyed binding and stitching my driftwood.
At the top you will see my curved needle which I broke with the pliers.
News Flash!!!!! Embroiderers must now have needles, thread, hammer, pliers, electric drill included in their sewing kit!! Oh, I know, if you've done City & Guilds embroidery then you'll have that already along with the soldering iron and emulsion paint!
That's all for now, byeee.