...that's it for another year. We made it to the end of the Pittenweem festival week in one piece! It was great fun and very busy even on the rainy days!
I only have a few photos to post here of the town/harbour as I don't believe in posting photos of work that isn't my own (unless they give me permission), sorry about that. Anyway here goes...

...The May Island...

...and another one, you can just about see the blue board outside one of the houses showing the venue number... Yes you really are in living rooms at some of the venues.

The harbour, this was I think taken on Tuesday.

... more boats at the harbour. Taken whilst scoffing an ice cream! yum, yum!

... just another view...it may be a little fuzzy, sorry.

...and again!...

... these are a couple of the little seascapes that I do. They are unfinished as I still had to add some hand stitching to the embellished surface.

...some of my inspiration!!

...and finally across the River Forth to the Bass Rock.
That's it for now I hope to be back quite soon with some more stitchy things.
PS. Just realised that I've posted a photo of a little seascape that was in my last post, oh well, it really was a long week!