Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Take a break...

I've decided to take a break from posting here on ominnimo. I will continue to add photos to Flickr and update my moira anne dickson blog from time to time. I'll mostly be adding details of upcoming exhibitions etc on that blog.
I'm hoping to have my Facebook page done soon along with regular input to my Etsy shop. This may not happen until after the summer but we'll see.
Thanks to everyone who has dropped by, it's been lovely knowing that there is interest in what I do.

I thought I'd leave you with a few snapshots of the page I worked for a recent book that the members of Dundee branch of the Embroiderers' Guild made. It is a commemorative book marking 100 years of the Barrack Street building which now holds the Dundee Museum Collections Unit. I believe the completed book will be on show in the McManus Galleries, Dundee Museum in the near future.

That's all for now.