The Isle of May National Nature Reserve in the River Forth. Had a great day here on one of their open days. We went on the boat from Anstruther and this was some of the first close up views we had of the island.
The stars of the trip! We sat on rocks and watch the comings and goings of the puffins on their way to feed their little pufflings hiding underground..

I would have loved to have had closer pictures of the puffins. Much larger lens required!
These were some Shags and a Razorbill with its little chick following him or her around. He was so sweet.
Some local island text!
This was where an old railing post had been cut off. I know that railings were cut down during the war to be melted down for I think munitions so maybe this is what happened here. I would like to point out that this was learned and not from experience! Anyway I loved the areas of colour on the stone.
Well that's it for now. This as it happens has been my 100th post. I had thought to commemorate it with a giveaway but I've never done anything like that and am not sure where to start so for now I thought that I would share with you the photos of what was for me a fantastic trip.
I wonder when they take the bookings for next year!!!!!
Bye for now, I'll be back soon.