Ha, ha, ha,... well I thought that they looked like they were laughing! :o)

This years angels. I decided to make them a bit different from the ones I did last year. These ones have faces and self coloured skirts. The rest is pretty much the same.

I liked the wings on this one.
Then there were the stars, in production.

I liked the photo with the red pin because i thought that it looked like a berry....oh simple things!!! I think the star shaped machining kinda got lost ...might try it again on something different.

A batch ready to go onto their backing.

One of those "red berries" again!

I haven't really done any Christmas cards this year. May still have a bash.
I was thinking that I would start up an etsy shop.... Not quite decided as yet. Probably a bit late to get it done for this Christmas. That is if anyone would want to buy the things I make on line.
I know they sell in Funky Scottish and in Culross Pottery in Fife.
Oh well, I'll think about it for next year.
That's it for now.
Byeeee! :o)